Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Ever heard someone called 'so dumb they couldn't boil an egg?' Funny as that may sound, there really is - like everything else - a right & a wrong way to do it.

And here's something even stranger than that. If you've ever said to yourself, 'gee sometimes when I peel a hard-boiled egg the shell comes right off, and sometimes it really clings and makes a !#@^*!! mess... I wonder why...' Well, if you're the one who boiled the egg, then YOU are so dumb you can't even boil an egg!

But not to worry, here's the secret: Get the water up to boiling temp before you put your egg(s) in. That's it! Premature egg placement in cold water will not save you time, when you factor in how much time you will waste peeling.

BTW, once your water is boiling the following results will be rendered with these times: Soft-boiled, 5 minutes; Hard-boiled, 12 minutes.

If you didn't know this, you've just learned something for the day! If you did know this, you've just wasted you time...but check back again soon, next time we'll have something for smarter folks like you!


ian said...

Many ways to skin a Catdog. We put'em in cold water in the pan and bring to boil. Turn it off...let sit eight minutes... you've got perfect, easy to peel hard boiled eggs! Catdogs don't do soft boiled eggs.

Meowia said...

Just what I needed to know for Easter...