Monday, February 9, 2009


The next time you're in the mood to kick your salad up to the stratosphere try replacing your same-old-same-old bottled dressing with your own, home-made GARLIC AIOLI. Green, pasta, rice or bean salad - this is well worth a try. Be sure you have a strong stomach, though. Not everyone can tolerate raw egg &/or raw garlic. If you can, you are probably either deeply detoxed or COMPLETLY toxified. Anyway, it goes like this:


6-8 large cloves of raw garlic

pinch of salt

2 Tablespoons of dijon mustard

2 Tablesspoons of fresh squeezed lemon juice

3/4 cup of oil (olive preferred, canola ok)

1 raw (farm fresh) egg

In a food processor mince the garlic and add salt, mustard, lemon juice. Slowly (in a thin drizzle) pour olive/canola oil and continue to process on high. When the mixture thickens (to your preferred consistency) add the egg and continue blending. Pour or spoon mixure into a serving bowl or toss with salad or pasta. Enjoy.

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