Monday, June 8, 2009

Week #1

Hello everyone and thanks for joining The Dahlia Farm CSA!

We begin with short-season/cool-weather crops, and this week our CSA features a LOT of leafy greens - which are great for reducing cholesterol and adding fiber to one's diet.

Week #1 full-share features Spinach, Pea Tendrils, Mizuna, Mixed Baby Field Greens, Cress, Radishes, Rhubarb, Free-range Eggs, Dahlia Farm hand-made soap, and cut peonies. (In lieu of eggs, honey may be substituted if a share has already been purchased). A half-share would feature a generous half version of the above.

Don't forget to bring in your basket next week for rotation, and be sure to check out our growing "Garden Recipes" page on our website.

If you are reading this and have not yet signed-up, you're in luck! There's still time to begin this week, or at any future point on a pro-rata share basis. See our website for more information.

For those of you who have signed on, thank you & welcome!


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